
Our Opportunity and Obligation

We’re passionate about Bible translation because God is passionate about Bible translation. From Genesis to Revelation, Scripture testifies to God’s desire to make His…

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Life Without the Bible?

What would your Christian life be like if you didn’t have the Bible? You’ve probably never had to think about it — there are …

Why Bible Translation?

What would your life be like if you didn’t have the Bible? Where would you be if you had never heard of Jesus, didn’t …

Radical Unity

For years, Bible translation agencies counted down languages still waiting for Scripture, added up people groups without God’s Word, multiplied impact through creative strategies …

The Risk of Apathy

As a Church and as individual Christians, we cannot afford to remain uninvolved with the huge task of Bible translation. Modern Christians face so …

Bible Translation is the Great Commission

Over two thousand years ago, Jesus stood on a mountain in Galilee and called His disciples to “Go therefore and make disciples of all …